Importance of continuous temperature measurement

Body temperature is one of the important vital signs, and measuring body temperature is a basic methods for diagnosing physical conditions and diseases. By continuously measuring body temperature, an individual's health status can be determined, and ongoing research is being conducted on the correlation between body temperature and physical health.

Confirmation of infection

Continuous measurement of body temperature is necessary for monitoring suspected patients in the event of a highly contagious infectious disease such as COVID-19 . Since the body reacts to a variety of different diseases with elevated body temperature

Essential vital sign

the evaluation of the body temperature of outpatients and hospitalized individuals is still common and useful practice in the clinical routine.

Benefits of wireless monitoring body temp.

- Accurate and easy continuous body temperature measurement 
- 24/7 wireless remote temperature measurement 
- Reduce the burden on patients and medical staff 
- Management and utilization of body temperature data 
- Alarm when measuring abnormal body temperature such as high temperature

For professional health care

- Field of application: Post-surgery, Internal medicine, Infection departments, Pediatrics, Nursing home, Emergency room, Operating room and more
- Accurate and convenient body temperature measurement
- Reduce the workload of medical staff through a 24/7 remote wireless body temperature monitoring solution
- Quick response through immediate alarm when abnormal temperature is measured
- Minimize errors caused by measurement, such as measurement location and method
- Digital conversion of patient medical information and integration with integrated patient information management solution

For home care

- Field of application: Fever management in infants and young children, Body temperature management for the elderly,
  Discharge, family and personal health management during infectious disease outbreaks, Collection of physical data through temperature monitoring, such as during sleep and exercise
- When a child is sick, manage the child's temperature throughout the night.
- Check progress of fever and administration of antipyretic medication
- Utilize body temperature data measured as medical information

Wireless monitoring core body thermometer, Thermosafer XST600 


Monitoring core body temperature by measuring skin of forehead temp.
High-precision temperature sensors
Hypoallergenic medical silicone patches
Connected dedicated application
Connected with Patient monitor *Dedicated wireless dongle required
Real-time monitoring of body temperature
alarming in case of abnormal body temperature
Check history with body temperature measurement results and graphs
Hygienic use with single use disposable probe

Benefits of wireless monitoring core body temperature(XST600)

User-friendly wearable thermometer:
- Utilize a design that is easy and convenient for users to wear.
Accurate and stable temperature measurement:
- Ensure precise and stable temperature measurements through advanced sensor technology.- 
Minimal impact from external environment:
- Design the thermometer to be less affected by external environmental factors.
24/7 real-time remote wireless monitoring and alerts:
- Enable continuous wireless monitoring in real-time for 24 hours.
- Implement a system for remote monitoring and timely alerts without the need for face-to-face interaction.
Integration with patient monitoring devices and mobile phones:
- Establish compatibility integration with patient monitoring devices.
- Enable connectivity with mobile phones.


Professional health care
- main device (XST600) 
- Disposable probe (XST600P) 
- Wireless dongle: for connection to patient monitoring device 
- Wireless display monitor (XMM100B)

Home care
- main device (XST600) 
- Disposable probe (XST600P) 
- Wireless display monitor (XMM100B)
- Monitoring app.


Field of application

Professional healthcare
- Surgical Patient Temperature Monitoring: Monitoring the body temperature of surgical patients.
- Inpatient Prognosis Monitoring: Monitoring the prognosis of hospitalized patients.
- Infectious Disease Patient Fever Monitoring: Monitoring fever occurrence in patients with infectious diseases.

Home care
- Infant and Elderly Temperature Management: Managing the body temperature of infants and elderly individuals.
- Remote Consultations: Facilitating non-face-to-face medical consultations.
Sports Medicine Research:
- Minimization of External Environmental Impact: Enabling temperature research in various settings by minimizing the impact of external environmental conditions.
Animal Healthcare and Livestock Management:
- Versatile Application in Animals: Allowing measurement regardless of the measuring location or environment for application in animals.